Monday, October 6, 2008

DCS Daily is closed?

DCS Bloggers, Blogger:Somehow, DCS Daily closed down. I don't know whether it's a mistake or something, but... It's still closed. Check it out here: DCS Daily.



Latios said...

Lol bryan - mistake.....;.

shiz. Happened a while ago, trying to concentrate on my geo hw, frantically working on my ppt
and suddenly, and blogspot came on,and actually was on the settings.

I can't describe ,my feelings here.
I AM really frustrated.....

I clicked the delete blog button!

It was a mistake!


FyreVortex said...

Oh. I followed DCS Bloggers so it shows half the posts... :|

FyreVortex said...

... Nooooo DCS Daily poofed away! NOOOOOO!!!!